'100 years' - Renée Nanneman
'Adamstown' - Jo Morton
'A Return to Elegance' - Judie Rothermel
'Annes English Scrapbox' - Di Ford-Hall
'Back in the Day' - Hat Creek Quilts
'Bannar's Hills' - Michelle Yeo
'Bella Rose' - Renée Nanneman
'Bess' Flower Garden' - Pam Buda
'Blue Bird' - Edyta Sitar
'Cloud Nine' - Edyta Sitar
'Collections for a Cause Unity' - Howard Marcus
'Evelyn's Hope Chest' - Carrie Quinn
'For Rosa' - Nancy Rink
'Forever More' - Pam Buda
'Gentry's Mill' - Sew'n Wild Oaks
'Glad Tidings' - Jo Morton
- 'Harriet's Handwork' - Betsy Chutchian
'Heritage Red and Green' - Judie Rothermel
'Hickory Road' - Jo Morton
- 'Jo's Shirtings' - Jo Morton
'Joy around the world' - Edyta Sitar
'Kate's Garden Gate' - Betsy Chutchian
'Kingston' - Whistler Studios
'Ladies' Legacy' - Barbara Brackman
'La Grande Soirée' - French General
'Lancaster' - Jo Morton
'Land of Freedom' - Edyta Sitar
'Larisa' - Mary Koval
'Le Chateau' - Max & Louise Pastern
'Lydias Lace' - Betsy Chutchian
'Meridian Stars' - Karen Styles
'Moonstone' - Edyta Sitar
'Nancy's Needle' - Betsy Chutchian
'Prairie Dry Goods' - Pam Buda
'Primitive Traditions' - Pam Buda
'Regency Sussex' - Christopher Wilson-Tate
'Rose' - Jo Morton
'Rouenneries' - French General
'Sarah's Story 1830-1850' - Betsy Chutchian
'Shelbyville' - Jo Morton
'Sienna' - Max & Louise
'Spice it Up' - Jo Morton
'Sturbridge Floral Petites' - Pam Buda
'Super Bloom' - Edyta Sitar
'Susanna's Scraps 1830-1875' - Betsy Chutchian
'Threads that Bind' - Blackbird Designs
'Traveler' - Jeanne Horton
'Villa Flora' - Paula Barnes
'Vintage Charm' by Judie Rothermel
'Walnut Creek' - Julie Hendricksen
'Willow' - Whistler Studios
'Windermere' - Di Ford-Hall
'Yesterday' - Jo Morton